InPerson Virtual Conference - HEADER_2000x750px

Join Us May 12-15 for Leading Reliability

This year, FLIR has joined Acoem, Eruditio, RDI Technologies, and UE Systems as the 5th co-host! For 2025, our theme is, “Pathways to Progress – Turning Insights Into Action,” with an emphasis on taking the valuable insights gained from technology, data, and innovation, and transforming them into actionable steps that lead to significant progress. As the conference continues to grow in both co-hosts and attendees, it highlights the increasing importance of cutting-edge technologies in reliability.

The Leading Reliability Conference provides all participants with a great opportunity to learn more about maintenance and reliability by attending live presentations, workshops, and trainings. In addition, you are also provided with ample opportunity to socialize and make connections – allowing you to build relationships with influential professionals in maintenance and reliability around the country! The ability to share ideas and perspectives with industry experts is ALWAYS a great thing and will only be beneficial as we continue to work our way back to a normal way of business. You can expect to learn a lot, have fun, and take valuable ideas home with you to your very own facility.


Leading Reliability Conference Testimonials

“A must-attend event for anyone looking to start or improve their maintenance and reliability!”

“I really enjoyed the 2021 Leading Reliability Live and In-person Conference. The speakers each led great discussions and also took time during the day to answer any questions and give out their contact information as a continued resource. There is great value in the contacts made during this conference and the opportunity to talk with our peers about the opportunities and successes we are seeing in our facilities. The venue was excellent and the conference organizers took great care of us. Thank you.”

“This was my first reliability conference, and it was a great experience. I not only enjoyed presenting, but also attending the other workshops. I learned a lot from really established professionals and hope to make improvements at my site with the useful information. I also was able to network with others and answer questions, as well as, get a few of mine answered. Overall this was an excellent conference that was extremely helpful and well put together.”

“What a great week of interacting with a huge variety of professionals that were all focused on reliability! The location, food, and sessions were all outstanding but the atmosphere while enjoying these is what will bring me back next year! Great job guys!”

“This was a wonderful experience. Some of the roadblocks I have while building the PdM program have been removed thanks to this conference. The networking and broad spectrum of speakers was a grand help.”

“The most important part of these types of conferences is the gathering with others who have a interest in implementing a Reliability culture within each of our facilities. This conference provided a lot of available tools and relationships to help improve and implement the reliability culture without our facilities.”

“The Leading Reliability Class was an amazing time! All industry members are experts in their field, and no matter your experience you will definitely take something away from it. No matter if you’re looking for the latest in greatest technology, or just looking to gain knowledge on Reliability Leadership this seminar has it all. Big thank you to everyone who made this visit a pleasure and I look forward to attending again in the future!”

“I got the most from the preconference session with eruditio. I was able to come back and implement some of the strategies immediately.”

“This was my first time attending the reliability conference, so I really wasn’t too sure what to expect. It was a very informative and educational conference. It was a great opportunity to network with folks from within my company as well as build relationships with folks outside of my company.”

“I don’t get the opportunity to meet many other vibration analysts outside of our company, so it was awesome to discuss similarities and differences with them. I loved the atmosphere and networking opportunities.”

“I learned a lot and made some new friends and contacts. I walked a way with a certification and knowledge that will benefit our Reliability Program. Do I need to mention location, location, location?”

“This was my first conference and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience! Great presentations, great networking, and a lot to gain coming back to work. This really helps to get out of the daily grind and re-focus on the purpose for being a Reliability Professional.”