Eruditio's Workshop: Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO) Made Simple

This workshop will be held on May 12.

Is fixing your neglected and outdated PM program a drag? Do you dread coming to work and knowing that you may not be getting value out of the PMs that must be completed for PM compliance?

Performing PMO will help you get maximum value from your front-line activities!

Many industry professionals have found difficulties in performing effective Preventive Maintenance Optimization because of a lack of understanding of:

1. The purpose of PMO

2. The simple mechanics of Optimization

3. A reluctance to eliminate valueless activities due to perceived value.

In this workshop, you will not only learn the WHY behind PMO, but you will also learn the HOW and will go home with the PMs you bring to the workshop Optimized and ready to use!

Audience level: Intermediate

Brian Hronchek
Principal Trainer & Consultant