Fluke Reliability Pre-Conference Workshop

*This was the workshop for the 2021 Leading Reliability Conference. We will update this for our 2022 Leading Reliability Conference accordingly as we get more information.

Fluke Reliability Pre-Conference Workshop: Making Your Reliability Objectives Reality 

Digitalization has introduced new tools and workflows, increased use of mobile and other devices, and supported a significant influx of remote technologies. All these additions have gradually increased acceptance and changed how maintenance and reliability professionals do their jobs. 

The ideal maintenance reliability strategy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. To have the greatest impact, create an overarching asset strategy, starting with your most critical machines, and chart the path that will produce the best results for your organization. Achieving business intelligence through a smart factory is a balancing act. People, processes, and technology must work in tandem to lead and support one another. 

This one-day workshop will take you through the key pillars of a successful maintenance programThese pillars can help any organization see results, drive commitment to a reliability program and change culture. Our experts will share their experiences from customers around the globe and how it all boils down to three main causes of failurepoor program structure, poor technology selection, or poor data management.  

We will also look at the automation pyramid framework to the P-F Curve. The logic of the pyramid system married to the asset lifecycle logic of the PF curve helps determine what kind of smart sensors and other connected reliability technology to apply where—and when.  Keep in mind: Deriving maximum benefit (ROI) now requires not just extending the machine lifespan but also making the absolute best use of personnel’s time and effort.  

Have you thought about …?  

Where should I start? How do I initiate this process?
How do I align with other departments?  
How do I determine which assets are most critical?
Do I have the team to drive this digitalization?
What/Where are my gaps keeping me from success?
I have this datanow what?
How do I know what programs are optimal for my operation?
What services do I keep in house vs. outsource?
How do we manage the digital changes COVID initiated?  It’s hard to just keep up.

Make your reliability objectives a reality! Join us for this interactive, thought provoking, action plan building, collaborative workshop. No matter where you are on your reliability journey, we can meet you there!   

Register TODAY to save $200 for the 2025 Leading Reliability Conference!
Register TODAY to save $400 off your 2024 Leading Reliability registration!