Featured Keynote:


Keith Mercurio

Keynote Speaker, Ethical Influence Global


“Ethical Influence: The Art & Science of Inspiring Change”

“Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less” – John Maxwell

The question is how do we learn to influence the people we have the privilege to lead in a way that honors and serves them?

Ethical Influence is a four-part framework that explores the art and science of transforming awareness and influence of self and awareness and influence of others.


Please come prepared to be an active (not passive) learner – cameras on, clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

Value Added

Leadership transformation guaranteed. The audience will leave the presentation with an inspired sense of self and others, tools for immediate application to turn that inspiration into results, and a commitment that today is the day, and now is the time.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the participant will be able to:

  • Create a new state of peak performance
    • Your state is a three-part framework that creates the lens through which you experience the world around you. Part one is your point of visual and mental focus. We find what we focus on, and so to create a peak state, we must shift our focus towards opportunity and outcome and away from the thoughts and circumstances that diminish our power.
    • Once you’ve focused on what you want, it’s critical to support that outcome with the language you speak to yourself and others. As a result, your “I am” statements allow you to summon the version of you best suited to take on the moment at hand.
    • Your mind translates the story your body tells it. So, align your physiology with your focus and language to complete your peak performance state.
  • Intentionally shift your mindset to own and solve problems
    • Acknowledge only the facts to eliminate the stories you tell yourself and others.
    • Ask, “What am I doing to cause this result?” to consciously acknowledge that you are, in fact, powerful enough to influence the situation.
    • Claim the power and responsibility to affect change; seek answers to “What must I change to change what is happening?
  • Ask better questions to drive better results
    • Break the pattern of listening for what you can get and instead start listening for what you can give.
    • Ask questions with genuine curiosity to learn what is most important to others.
    • Prioritize their #1 need to create better experiences and results.
  • Learn to live and lead courageously and generously
    • Be courageously clear and honest about what you are asking for and why.
    • Embrace contributive communication – shift your tone and intent to speak to and listen for what is needed rather than what you want.
    • Generously explore what you can contribute rather than gain.

Transfer of Knowledge

  • Hands-on demonstrations and practicum
  • Practice exercises
  • Group activities